Linqz Group Pty Ltd has been associated with Association for Children with a Disability for the past five (5) years
Linqz Group has donated to Association for Children with a Disability in an attempt to provide for disabled children in the hope that they are given the same benefits of able-bodied children within our community.
Children are the future of Australia and Linqz Group Pty Ltd through its assistance to the Association for Children with a Disability endeavours to provide the foundation for personal growth, empowerment, happiness and greater self-esteem to children not as fortunate as most.
Linqz donates .3% of its total project turnover for the year to the disability sports and associated bodies. All payments are made via cheque when the full amount of the project sum is received.
Linqz hopes to donate thousands of dollars every financial year. The money will go towards creating a support network needed to facilitate for the children’s needs –
Although we at Linqz Group have a preferred charity to which we support, we also understand that we all have different preferences on the charities and organisations we choose to donate to.
Therefore, we always consult with our client’s prior to donating the project funds. We ask if they have a preference on the charitable organisation they wish the funds to be donated to and make the payment accordingly.
A proof of the donation is sent to you the “client” as confirmation that Linqz Group Pty Ltd is honest and committed in its promise to contribute towards helping the children within our community.
As the company grows Linqz Group will look at supporting other charities dedicated to the happiness, empowerment, support and wellbeing of children.
“Any difference, be it positive that we can make in the life of a child no matter how small, is a difference worth making.”
Marcelo Rodriguez