When dealing with Linqz Group you can be assured that we will listen to your needs, provide you with a level of service second to none and the attention to detail you would expect in every aspect of the project. We pride ourselves on being market leaders in office and Retail fit outs, Refurbishments and Make Good services in Melbourne and Australia.
Office / Retail Fit Outs, Refurbishments and Make Goods Tailored To Your Needs
We work in line with the client’s needs, delivering successful results and taking ownership of the project from commencement to completion, ensuring follow-up to evaluate compliance with the original obligations.
Our people in Melbourne and Australia, the systems and processes that support them are entirely focused on the above-mentioned principles. Our emphasis on continuous service delivery improvements ensures we deliver the best possible solutions, outcomes and cost savings to our clients. This we believe sets us apart in a crowded building service industry.